Marco Māruti - The Art of Being

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Trust is one of the languages of Love </span>

Please, take a moment to settle into a space of vulnerability and openness, as I share the intimate depths of my soul, reaching out to touch your heart in the most profound way possible. For me it was not easy, but today i feel ready to share with you.

Discovering the Profound Essence

In the profound depths of my spiritual quest, my heart stumbled upon a truth of immense beauty: trust is the language through which love expresses itself most authentically. As I traversed the mystical pathways of self-discovery, I gradually unraveled the significance of trust as the invisible thread that deepens and enriches my connection with  "Higher Consciousness", In the sacred space where trust thrives, I found myself embraced by infinite love and guided by incomparable wisdom.

Humility, the Gateway

To truly trust in something greater than ourselves, we must first humbly surrender the ego's incessant craving for control and certainty. It was in this moment of surrender that I humbled myself before the vastness of the universe, recognizing my own smallness within the grand tapestry of creation. This humbling experience opened the gates of trust, enabling me to release the shackles of fear and uncertainty, and allowing trust to take root within the depths of my soul. It was not easy at all, but one thing i know, it's possible to everyone.

Compassion, the Tender Companion

From Compassion births Trust, creating a soft and open-hearted space within us, allowing love to flow towards ourselves and others. As I delved deeper into my connection with the "Higher Consciousness" or a "Higher Power" as Swamiji used to say, I began to witness the profound interconnectedness of every being. With this revelation, compassion naturally bloomed within me, embracing everyone's unique journey, while holding space for them to find trust in their own divine path.

Embracing the Unchartered Territory

Authentic spirituality beckons us to venture beyond the safety of our comfort zones into the realm of the unknown. It is within this uncharted territory that trust becomes our guiding light—a beacon leading us towards our highest potential. As I embraced the mysterious unfolding of life, surrendering to the currents of the divine flow, I discovered that every step, no matter how uncertain, was meticulously designed to support my growth. Trust allowed me to relinquish the need for control and certainty, finding solace in knowing that the universe always held me in its loving embrace.

Remembering the Divine Tapestry

Amidst the chaotic dance of life's challenges, it is easy to lose sight of the grand design of our existence. Yet, trust gently reminds us that each of us is an essential thread, intricately woven into the fabric of the universe—a tapestry crafted with love, compassion, and purpose. As trust grew within me, the veil of doubt and confusion thinned, revealing the sublime beauty that lay beneath the surface.

Love's Language Embodied

Truly, trust is the language through which love speaks in the realm of spirituality. It binds our souls together and connects us to the vast expanse of the universe. Through unyielding trust, we open ourselves wide to receive the infinite blessings love has to offer. We become co-creators of our own reality, allowing love to permeate every aspect of our lives. Trust in Higher Consciousness bestows upon us a profound sense of peace—an unshakeable knowing that, even in life's harshest storms, we are held and supported.

And so, dear friends, as we conclude this profound odyssey of trust, I implore you to carry these words deep within your being. Let them permeate every fiber of your being, maybe with the sensibility of a deep meditation, guiding you to a place of unwavering trust—an unbreakable bond with the Higher Consciousness or any other name you want to call it. Trust becomes the ultimate key, unlocking the door to a life illuminated by love, where trust unites us with the divine embrace of the universe, and all of this that I have feel an write today, expressing myself, is from the example of Yeshua and his life, that as touched me yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Shalom.

Marco Vasconcelos