Losing Your Own Heart to Win the Beloved's: A Journey of Divine Union

I sit here, with a heart “heavy” with love and a soul yearning for connection. These words, whispered by the great mystic Rumi, find their way into the very depths of my being: "You will not win the Beloved's heart unless you lose your own." Oh, how these gentle yet profound words have resonated with me on my spiritual path, revealing a truth that I have witnessed through the lens of my own personal experience.

Love found me lost in the wilderness of my ego, intoxicated by the shallow allure of external validations and fleeting affections. I thought I understood love, but it was merely a mirage, a reflection of my own insecurities and desires. Little did I know that the key to unlocking the depths of true love lay in losing my own heart, relinquishing the illusions that kept me imprisoned in my limited human perception.

In the beginning, surrendering my heart felt like stepping into the unknown, like plunging into the vast ocean of vulnerability. Fears and doubts whispered in my ear, questioning whether I was worthy of love, whether I could truly let go of the attachments that defined my identity. But a voice within me, soft yet resolute, urged me forward, reminding me that love and divine union awaited on the other side of fear.

Doubt slowly transformed into faith, as I began to recognize the limitations of my ego-driven desires. I realized that the love I sought could not be found in the external world or through the accolades of others. Instead, it resided within the sacred chambers of my own heart, hidden beneath layers of conditioning and illusions. And so, my journey of losing my own heart commenced, beckoning me to dive into the depths within.

With every layer shed, I found an inner sanctuary, a place of stillness and peace where the divine Beloved patiently awaited my arrival. I discovered that losing my own heart was not about denying my desires or sacrificing my authenticity. It was about transcending the ego and surrendering to a greater purpose that bound us all, connecting us in a tapestry of souls united by an invisible thread of divine love.

This path of losing my own heart required a deep examination of my fears, insecurities, and attachments. It demanded that I let go of the need for control, relinquishing the grip of my ego's demands and expectations. It challenged me to release the conditions I had placed on love, allowing it to flow unconditionally and boundlessly, never asking for anything in return.

In this sacred pilgrimage, I realized that love is not a destination, but a journey of continual growth and evolution. I witnessed the transformation within myself as I shed the layers of ego, cultivating humility, and grace along the way. I understood that winning the heart of the Beloved was not about grand gestures or external displays of affection. It was about embodying the divine qualities of love – patience, kindness, empathy, and forgiveness – with every breath I took.

And as I ventured further along this path, losing my own heart became a dance of divine union, a merging of my soul with that of the Beloved. I began to experience moments of transcendence where the boundaries of my individual self dissolved, and I felt the presence of a higher consciousness enveloping me. Through the vessel of my humbled heart, I became a conduit for divine love, radiating its warmth to all who crossed my path.

Yet, I am reminded that this journey of losing my own heart is not without challenges and setbacks. It is not a linear path, but a spiral dance where I revisit old wounds and face new obstacles. It demands constant self-reflection and a willingness to surrender, even when the weight of the world threatens to suffocate my spirit. But with each surrender, I am reminded of the infinite capacity for love that exists within me, forever guiding me back to the Beloved.

Dear friends, as I share these words with you, let them resonate within your own hearts and stir the embers of your own spiritual journey. May you find the courage to lose your own hearts and embark on this sacred path of divine union. Remember, it is through the depths of surrender and the shedding of ego that we truly win the heart of the Beloved. May your hearts be forever intertwined with the divine, and may love be your guiding light on this beautiful journey of the soul.

With Love and Light

Marco Vasconcelos


Prāṇāyāma: Cultivating Vitality, Consciousness, and a Deeper Connection to the Indian Tradition of Yoga


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