Marco (Māruti) - Yoga Teacher

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The Five Pillars Guiding My Spiritual Journey: </span>

Service, Devotion, Wisdom, Inquiry and Love

This heart feels that In today's fast-paced world, the search for spirituality often requires a delicate balance between honoring tradition and embracing contemporary values. For me, this path has been beautifully illuminated by the wisdom of Ancient India on Non Duality and Yeshua (Jesus) teachings. In this blog post, I would like to explore the five pillars that serve as the foundation of my spiritual journey: Service, Devotion, Wisdom, Inquiry, and Love. These pillars not only reflect my altruistic and deep-seated beliefs, but also offer a fresh perspective on traditional practices, making them relevant to today's times. This is what this humble heart simply feels.

1. Service:
Service is the very base of my spiritual path, reminding me of the interconnectedness and inherent unity of all beings and everything. Through selfless acts of kindness and compassion, I strive to contribute positively to the well-being of others, nurturing a sense of oneness and shared humanity. By extending a helping hand, no matter how small, I am reminded of the vast potential for healing and transformation that lies within each selfless act.

2. Devotion:
Devotion holds a sacred place in my heart, intertwining mystical traditions with contemporary understanding. It is a deep surrender to the divine, allowing me to connect with a higher power beyond the limitations of the ego. Through devotion, I cultivate reverence, gratitude, and awe for life's mysteries, experiencing the profound interconnectedness of all existence. This heartfelt connection serves as a guiding light, nurturing my spiritual growth and providing solace during times of challenge and uncertainty.

3. Wisdom:
Wisdom is the compass that guides my spiritual journey, seamlessly blending ancient teachings with modern insights. It is the pursuit of knowledge and deep understanding that transcends conventional boundaries. As I explore different spiritual traditions and philosophies, I seek to discern universal truths and discernment. By honoring wisdom, I can integrate timeless teachings into my daily life, fostering personal transformation, and expanding my consciousness.

4. Inquiry:
Inquiry forms the bedrock of my spiritual practice, inviting me to question and investigate the nature of reality. Guided by the principles of Non-Duality, I explore the nature of identity, perception, and consciousness itself. This open-minded curiosity leads me to question beliefs, dissolve boundaries, and cultivate a profound sense of presence. In the spirit of inquiry, I remain open to exploring new perspectives, unlearning conditioned patterns, and embracing the unknown.

5. Love:
Love is the radiant essence that unifies all aspects of my spiritual journey. It transcends boundaries, transcends duality, and connects us to the profound beauty that lies within and around us, here and there, and at nowhere. Love is the ultimate expression.  Inviting me to dissolve separation and experience the oneness of all creation. Through love, I celebrate the diversity of existence, generously extending compassion, kindness, and acceptance to all beings. Love is the only way.

As I walk this path these five pillars of Service, Devotion, Wisdom, Inquiry, and Love continue to guide and inspire my spiritual journey and that is why I want to share with all of you. They remind me that spirituality is a dynamic and ever-evolving process, where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously. By integrating these pillars into my life, I strive to navigate the complexities of the present moment, while honoring the rich tapestry of spiritual wisdom that has paved the way for us all.